Are we all born Atheists?

Contrary to popular belief, a baby knows quit a bit when first born. A baby is born with no knowledge, but literally experiences something concrete like being confronted with a different and separate environment then before. It also finds that when it communicates (cries) that “things” happen.

So, even though there are no words, yet “stamped” on things, the baby quickly comprehends, and gains the knowledge that it is a separate being.

(Heads up) A baby is too underdeveloped to “think” that the existence of God is unknown or unknowable, so they’re not Agnostic. They literally have the absence of belief in the existence of any deities. This assumption clearly points to Atheism, wouldn’t you agree?


22 Comments on “Are we all born Atheists?

  1. A baby is born because of God’s will. The baby will either turn atheist (atheist is a synonymous for anything that is not Christian), or Christian. Remember Esau and Jacob? God pronounced His hatred for Esau while the baby was still in its mother’s womb. Free will? Nope. God’s will. Go in peace hun.♥

  2. Yes, a baby does have instincts.

    Bad genetics and damage to specific portions of the brain allow some Babies to grow up to believe in Paranormal creatures.

    Culture dictates which direction that belief will follow.

    This is the reason why you can have a family that is a bunch of hard-core theistic tards then 1 of the kids grows up to be atheist… That 1 atheist did not get the bad genetics that allow you to believe in magic.

    This is why kids born and raised in the middle east tend to be Muslims.
    This is why kids born in the American South tend to be Christian.
    This is why kids born in CA tend to believe in Alternative-Medicine.

    They’ve the genetics for belief in magic then the culture and family they grow up in molds that innate option for belief into the resulting belief in magic.

    It also explains why some people turn their Political Ideology in to a form of Theism.

    The genetics of Theism and belief in Magic are well documented. The fact that you put your fingers in your ears and sing hymns is irrelevant.

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  3. What’s the point of asking a question that you yourself answer?

  4. What was the point in posting this? You pretty much just answered your own question.

  5. i do not think you are an atheist or theist until you are old enough to decided yourself

  6. We aren’t agnostic by default about all the gods we’ve never heard of, come on.

    We’re born without knowledge of the concept of gods and religions. We’re all atheists, until some of us are told to believe in a particular god, but even these people remain atheists about the quasi-totality of gods known to mankind.

  7. You are not born with a belief in god(s), so yes we are.

  8. I assume we are all born atheists.

    A related note: Babies know how to lie before they can talk. They learn that crying gets them stuff, so they’ll cry to get a reaction, even if they are not hurt.

  9. No. I believe a baby when born already knows God. It is through the infants growth and development around others that the child starts to doubt the existence of God. Children, even babies, see the wonder in everything and know instinctively that it didn’t just BANG into existence. It’s sad we can’t all believe just like infants.

  10. There is actually a portion of the brain which is primarily devoted to religion. However, if we’re not told anything, we can either not belief or make our own religion/belief in things we thought of ourselves.

  11. I would respectfully disagree.

    The absence of a belief doesn’t mean a person has rejected that belief. It simply means that person does has not had the opportunity to make the decision.

    An Atheists is a person, for whatever reason, has made the decision to reject the possibility that there is a god.

    There is a big difference between the two.

  12. I do not think that babies cry because they know things will happen. They cry because they’re experiencing discomfort or pain. After while they learn that crying causes someone to come to their aid, but knowledge cannot be attributed to a newborn.

    As an Atheist, I think this whole babies are born Atheist argument is just muddying the waters. Sure, babies are born believing in god. They probably do not believe in cars, rocks, cheesecake etc, until they come into contact with these things.

  13. If you assume atheism then you have a lot of explaining to do. The origin of religion, the need for it. If you are an atheist then you must conclude that religion is a product of social evolution. You must also recognize that you lose almost 90% of the world’s population converting from atheism to some religious belief.

    Because of the extent of religious belief in human cultures I think you’d just about have to assume that it is hardwired into humanity.

  14. Yes, because religion requires a knowledge of God, a newborn has no knowledge and is by default an atheist.

    I would allow for the possibility that the child could feel aware of a God based on experience later even without religious people’s influence. Seeing the world, for example, and wondering what made it and formulating a theory.

    At birth however, Tabula Rasu very much applies.

    EDIT: I disagree with 1 of the comments on having to reject faith to be an atheist, that would mean you imply your faith is right and the others aren’t, and you can prove this of course? On this basis does an atheist have to sit through and reject every religion in existence, there are loads of them and if you do not think so you’re only aware of the major ones.

  15. I’d say they are agnostic atheist.

    Theist: Someone who believes in 1 or more gods.
    Atheist: Not a theist.
    Gnostic: Someone who claims to know if god exists or does not exist.
    Agnostic: Not gnostic.

    Both Atheist and Agnostic seem to apply to babies.

    To be even more specifc, babies are Implicit Atheists.

  16. Atheism requires a choice. Belief in God requires a choice.

    When we are born, we lack the information to make choices of any sort – that is, we are born without knowledge of God, or knowledge about the lack of God.

    Therefore a baby is neither religious, agnostic, nor atheist because the baby is incapable of such an abstract idea.

    You might as well ask if a lizard is atheist, because when we are first born, that’s approximately the level of complexity our brains are capable of handling. It’s not until we reach age three or so, that our brains even begin to develop the ability to comprehend complex abstract ideas, such as belief in God.

  17. no, not really.

    when we’re born, we have no concept (that we’re aware of) of any God or creator. without that conceptual knowledge, we’re neither believers or non believers.

    if 1 does not know, 1 can’t take a side or make the choice.

    it took me a few weeks of thinking on this to comprehend that saying everyone is born an atheist is actually incorrect. atheism isn’t a default position.

  18. Babies, when born, have just basic survival skills eg. Breathing. Babies couldn’t even contemplate the existence of deities. So babies, really, are agnostic, as they don’t know.