CLEANING FLAGSTONE FLOORS? normal soapy water and scubbing brush not working.?
We have moved in and have flagstones with white marks on and inground I know not what …. how can I get them really clean as scrubggin just aint shifting it. Thanks!
We have moved in and have flagstones with white marks on and inground I know not what …. how can I get them really clean as scrubggin just aint shifting it. Thanks!
Try neat Bleach, it may work!
Vinegar or baking powder is on this link…
click on it and have a look see if any use..
I’m guessing that it might be old paint or a sealant. Try some liquid paint remover eg Nitromorse. (any harware shop). Its very caustic but easily neutralised with water and it will not hurt stone or ceramics.
I have been told to use coke and Jeyes Drain cleaner. Mix together, spread over, leave and then scrub and then rinse off.
Apparently Jeyes has a general disinfectant as well as a drain cleaner and it’s the drain cleaner you need.
I haven’t tried it yet on account of weather etc but will give it a go as I have nothing to lose.
Good luck.